Effortlessly Generate 606 Reports From Multiple Execution Venues


Are you a broker dealing with multiple execution venues?

If so, this post for you. For those working with a single venue, you might find this information valuable for future reference.

As a broker, you’re required to submit Rule 606 reports to the SEC quarterly. While each execution venue provides its own report, the challenge lies in compiling a single report covering all venues. This process of gathering and merging data is time-consuming and error-prone.

We have partnered with industry leaders S3 and BXS Tech to develop a solution.

Our ETNA 606 Reporting Tool is designed to simplify your reporting process:

  • ETNA automatically collects and merges data from multiple execution venues.
  • We strictly follow data protection regulations, ensuring the safety of your customers’ information.
  • Our solution guarantees the precision and completeness of the information in your reports.
  • We stay ahead of evolving regulatory requirements, including the latest updates to Rule 606.
  • We offer this solution without any hidden or additional charges.

As a broker-dealer, producing clear and comprehensive Rule 606 reports signifies more than just regulatory compliance – it’s a testament to your dedication to transparency and trustworthiness in the financial sector.

Contact our team for more information on how our 606 Reporting Tool can streamline your reporting tasks and keep you compliant.